Command line
Script for BIOS updates (multi-version):
echo ---------Bios update ----------->>C:\pnpDrivers\BIOS.log
for /f "delims=" %%D in ('dir /a:d /b %~dp0') do set BIOSFILE=%%D
set Fullpath=%~dp0%BIOSFILE%
echo ---------Fullpath = %Fullpath% ----------->>C:\Drivers\BIOS.log
cd "%Fullpath%"
del "%Fullpath%\HpFirmwareUpdRec.log" /F /Q
echo 3010:SUCCESS:REBOOT=A restart is required to complete the install>>C:\Drivers\BIOS.log
echo 1602:CANCEL:NOREBOOT=The install is cannot complete due to a dependency>>C:\Drivers\BIOS.log
echo 273:CANCEL:NOREBOOT=Flash did not update because update is same BIOS version>>C:\Drivers\BIOS.log
echo 282:CANCEL:NOREBOOT=Flash did not update because update is an older BIOS version>>C:\Drivers\BIOS.log
if EXIST "%Fullpath%\HpFirmwareUpdRec.exe" echo HpFirmwareUpdRec.exe>>C:\Drivers\BIOS.log
if EXIST "%Fullpath%\HpFirmwareUpdRec.exe" start /wait "BIOS" "%Fullpath%\HpFirmwareUpdRec.exe" -s -r -h -b -f"%Fullpath%
if EXIST "%Fullpath%\HPBIOSUPDREC.exe" echo HPBIOSUPDREC.exe>>C:\Drivers\BIOS.log
if EXIST "%Fullpath%\HPBIOSUPDREC.exe" start /wait "BIOS" "%Fullpath%\HPBIOSUPDREC.exe" -s -b -r -a
set codesortie=%ERRORLEVEL%
echo %codesortie%>>C:\Drivers\BIOS.log
if %codesortie% EQU 3010 exit /B 0
Error 260 with the HP_TOOLS partition
In previous BIOS versions, the partition had to be created before updating the BIOS. However, in current versions, detection causes issues, leading to the need to delete the partition.
In previous BIOS versions, the partition had to be created before updating the BIOS. However, in current versions, detection causes issues, leading to the need to delete the partition.
$Partitions = Get-Partition
$volumes = Get-Volume
$PartLettreC = 99
Foreach($Partition in $Partitions) {
$Letterpart = $Partition.DriveLetter
$Numberpart = $Partition.PartitionNumber
$sizepart = $Partition.Size
$TypePart = $Partition.Type
If ($Letterpart -eq "C") { $PartLettreC = $Numberpart }
$PartLettreD = 99
Foreach($Partition in $Partitions) {
$Letterpart = $Partition.DriveLetter
$Numberpart = $Partition.PartitionNumber
$sizepart = $Partition.Size
$TypePart = $Partition.Type
If ($Letterpart -eq "D") { $PartLettreD = $Numberpart }
#detect WinRE + HP-Tools
Foreach($Partition in $Partitions) {
$Letterpart = $Partition.DriveLetter
$Numberpart = $Partition.PartitionNumber
$sizepart = $Partition.Size
$TypePart = $Partition.Type
If (($Numberpart -ne "1") -and ($Letterpart -ne "C") -and ($Letterpart -ne "D")) {
write-host "----------------------------------"
write-host "TypePart=$TypePart"
write-host "sizepart=$sizepart"
write-host "Numberpart=$Numberpart"
if (($sizepart -le 6442450944) -and ($Numberpart -eq "3") -and ($TypePart -match "Unknown")) {
write-host "Remove WinRE partition"
Remove-Partition -DiskNumber 0 -PartitionNumber $Numberpart -confirm:$False
if (($sizepart -le 6442450944) -and ($Numberpart -eq "3") -and ($TypePart -match "FAT32 XINT13")) {
write-host "Remove HP_Tools partition"
Remove-Partition -DiskNumber 0 -PartitionNumber $Numberpart -confirm:$False
$size = (Get-PartitionSupportedSize -DiskNumber 0 -PartitionNumber $PartLettreC)
Resize-Partition -DiskNumber 0 -PartitionNumber $PartLettreC -Size $size.SizeMax -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if($PartLettreD -ne 99) {
$size = (Get-PartitionSupportedSize -DiskNumber 0 -PartitionNumber $PartLettreD)
Resize-Partition -DiskNumber 0 -PartitionNumber $PartLettreD -Size $size.SizeMax -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue