The objective is to share a folder from the local hard drive. This can be useful if a PC fails to start, for example.
In WinPE, execute the following commands (you can modify the startnet.cmd) :
wpeutil setkeyboardlayout 040C:0000040C
wpeutil disablefirewall
::Add a local account to WinPE
net user NomDuCompteLocal MotDePasse /add
::Add the account to the admin group
net localgroup administrators NomDuCompteLocal /add
net start server
Share a disk.
net share NomPartage=E:\ /grant:NomDuCompteLocal,FULL
From your Windows PC, you can access the physical disk of your WinPE. You’ll need to map a drive letter, specifying the account and password, for example:
Net use p: \\AdresseIPWinPE\MonPartage /user:NomDuCompteLocal Password