Stopping a Process with PowerShell

To stop a process, such as Chrome, in PowerShell, you can use the Stop-Process cmdlet. This is equivalent to using taskkill in the Command Prompt. Here’s how you do it:

stop-process -Name "chrome" -Force

Using the Command in a Batch File

If you’re working with batch files and need to incorporate PowerShell commands, you can do so with the following syntax:

powershell -command stop-process -Name "chrome" -Force

Listing Processes

To list all the currently running processes, you can use the Get-Process cmdlet in PowerShell:


Using Wildcards

PowerShell allows the use of wildcards for matching process names, which can be very handy. For example, to stop all processes that start with “chrome”, you can use:

Get-process –name "chrome*" | stop-process


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