Steps to Add Utilities to WinPE

1. Create a Directory for Additional Tools

Create a directory to store the tools you want to add to the WinPE image. It’s recommended to create this directory within your deployment share to keep everything organized. For example:


2. Create Necessary Subdirectories

Within the DirectoryToAdd directory, create the following subdirectory structure:


Place the utilities you want to add, such as `trace32.exe`, into the `system32` directory.

3. Configure the Deployment Share

In the MDT Deployment Workbench, right-click on your deployment share and select Properties. Navigate to the WinPE tab.

In the Extra directory to add field, browse to the DirectoryToAdd directory you created earlier.

Make sure to select the correct folder for both x86 and x64 architectures if applicable.

4. Update the Deployment Share

After configuring the deployment share, update it to include the new tools in the WinPE images. In the MDT Deployment Workbench, right-click on the deployment share and select Update Deployment Share.

Choose the option to completely regenerate the boot images to ensure the new tools are included.

owing the steps outlined in this guide, you can integrate your preferred utilities into WinPE images efficiently.


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