Retrieving the MSI Package

To install NetworkAtlas silently, you need to extract the MSI package from the executable installer. Follow these steps:

  1. Run the NetworkAtlas.exe installer manually on a machine.
  2. During the installation, navigate to C:\ProgramData\SolarWinds\NetworkAtlas\MSIs.
  3. Copy the MSI file to a location accessible for deployment.

Silent Installation Command

Once you have the MSI file, you can perform a silent installation using the following command:

msiexec /i "C:\path\to\NetworkAtlas.msi" /qn

This command installs NetworkAtlas without any user interaction, making it suitable for automated deployments.

Steps for Silent Installation

  1. Copy the NetworkAtlas MSI file to the target machine or a shared network location.
  2. Open Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
  3. Run the installation command to initiate the silent installation.

Example Script for Deployment

Here is an example script to automate the deployment of NetworkAtlas using the MSI package:

@echo off
set MSI_PATH="C:\path\to\NetworkAtlas.msi"

if exist %MSI_PATH% (
    echo Installing SolarWinds NetworkAtlas...
    msiexec /i %MSI_PATH% /qn
    echo Installation complete.
) else (
    echo MSI file not found.

Save this script as a .bat file and run it with administrative privileges to deploy NetworkAtlas silently.


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