Configuring customsettings.ini

To skip the locale and time zone selection, add the following entries to your `customsettings.ini` file:


TimeZoneName=Romance Standard Time

This configuration sets the default language to French and the time zone to “Romance Standard Time”, while skipping the selection dialogs during deployment.

Explanation of Variables

  • SkipLocaleSelection=YES: Skips the locale selection screen during deployment.
  • SkipTimeZone=YES: Skips the time zone selection screen during deployment.
  • TimeZone=105: Sets the time zone to “Romance Standard Time” (UTC+1).
  • TimeZoneName=Romance Standard Time: Specifies the name of the time zone.
  • UILanguage=fr-FR: Sets the user interface language to French.
  • UserLocale=fr-FR: Sets the user locale to French.
  • SystemLocale=fr-FR: Sets the system locale to French.

Steps to Apply the Configuration

1. Open the Deployment Workbench

Open the MDT Deployment Workbench on your deployment server.

2. Locate the customsettings.ini File

Navigate to the `Control` folder within your deployment share. The `customsettings.ini` file is located in this folder.

3. Edit the customsettings.ini File

Open the `customsettings.ini` file in a text editor and add or modify the entries as shown above to skip locale and time zone selection.


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