Note: This policy will override the applications pinned by the user.

Create XML

  • On a Windows 10 machine, manually configure the Start Menu by pinning the applications you want.
  • Open PowerShell.
  • Use the Export-StartLayout cmdlet to export the Start Menu layout to a JSON file. Run the following command:
Export-StartLayout -path "mycustomStartMenu.json"

Steps to Pin Applications to the Start Menu with Intune

  • Create a Configuration Profile: In the Intune portal, go to “Devices” > “Configuration profiles”.
  • Click on “Create profile”. Choose “Windows 10 and later” as the platform and “Templates” as the profile type.
  • Select “Custom”.
  • Tab Basic:
    • Enter the name of this configuration.
  • Tab Configuration settings:
    • Name: Enter a name.
    • OMA-URI:
  • Tab Configuration settings:
    • Data Type: String
    • Value: Copy the content of the JSON file generated with the Export-StartLayout command.
  • Assign the Policy: Once the profile is created and configured, you need to assign it to the appropriate user or device groups.
  • In the “Assignments” section, select the groups to which you want to apply this configuration.


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