Basic network scan
This command identifies active hosts on a given network.
nmap -sn
: Disables port scanning to perform a simple ping scan, identifying only active hosts.

Scan systems and services
This command discovers hosts and gathers information about their operating systems and services.
nmap -O -sS
: Enables OS detection.-sS
: Uses SYN scan to detect open ports.

ARP discovery scan
=> recommended for internal VLANs
If you are on the same VLAN, an ARP scan is often more effective for detecting devices.
nmap -PR -sn
: Uses ARP requests for host discovery, useful for local networks.-sn
: Only detects hosts without scanning ports.

scan with service detection
To identify hosts and scan open ports and services:
nmap -sV
: Enables service version detection to get detailed information on open ports and running services.

“List scan” mode to list hosts
This command discovers used IP addresses without performing a port scan.
map -sL
: Simply lists IP addresses in the range without sending packets to the hosts.

Important note
The IP ranges (e.g.,
) should be adjusted according to your VLAN configuration.