Nmap Commands to Scan Ports, Detect Services, Operating Systems, and Identify Vulnerabilities

TCP and UDP Port Scanning

  • TCP Port Scan (SYN scan):
nmap -sS <target IP address>

This scan is fast and uses “SYN scan” mode, which is less detectable and helps identify open TCP ports.

  • UDP Port Scan:
nmap -sU <target IP address>

This scan detects open UDP ports, though it’s generally slower. You can combine it with the TCP scan for comprehensive results.

  • Specific Ports Scan (TCP and UDP):
nmap -p <port_range> <target IP address>

Example: nmap -p 80,443,8080 <target IP address>. This scans only the specified ports (in this case, ports 80, 443, and 8080).

Operating System Detection

  • OS Detection:
nmap -O <target IP address>

This option attempts to identify the target’s operating system based on the responses from the TCP/IP stack.

Service and Version Detection

  • Service and Version Detection:
nmap -sV <target IP address>

This command identifies the open services on each discovered port and attempts to determine their version.

  • Full Scan with OS and Version Detection:
nmap -A <target IP address>

This advanced scan combines multiple features: port scanning, OS detection, service detection, and some basic scripts.

Vulnerability Detection

  • Using NSE Scripts to Identify Vulnerabilities:
nmap --script vuln <target IP address>

This runs available vulnerability detection scripts in Nmap’s script library, helping identify known vulnerabilities.

Other Common Uses

  • Stealth Scans (bypassing some firewalls):
nmap -sN <target IP address> # Null Scan nmap -sF <target IP address> # FIN Scan
nmap -sX <target IP address> # Xmas Scan

These scans send specific packets designed to avoid detection by some firewalls.

  • Fast Scan for Active Hosts and Common Services:
nmap -F <target IP address>

The -F option limits the scan to the most common ports, saving time.


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