Installation of Visual Studio Community
The article begins by discussing the installation of Visual Studio Community. It notes that XAML is compatible with ps2exe, allowing users to create a mini application. Visual Studio is recommended for faster interface creation. The article provides a link to download Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition and suggests creating a WPF application.
Installing Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition

- You can create Application WPF

Create a graphical interface
- Launch Visual Studio 2017, then create a new WPF project (regardless of the language).

- Add your buttons, menu, and others …

XAML Template
The easiest way is to use a ps1 template and then paste your xaml
or the core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | [void][System.Reflection.Assembly] ::LoadWithPartialName( 'presentationframework' ) [xml] $XAML = @' <Window xmlns="" Title="titre" Height="573.975" Width="668.135"> <Grid> <Button Name="Run" Content="Run" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="12,489,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="632" Background="#FF0DAC2C" FontWeight="Bold" BorderBrush="#FFFDBABA" OpacityMask="Black" Height="39"/> </Grid> </Window> '@ #Read XAML $reader =( New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xaml ) try{ $Form = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader] ::Load( $reader )} catch{ Write-Host "Unable to load Windows.Markup.XamlReader. Some possible causes for this problem include: .NET Framework is missing PowerShell must be launched with PowerShell -sta, invalid XAML code was encountered." ; exit} #=========================================================================== # Store Form Objects In PowerShell #=========================================================================== $xaml .SelectNodes( "//*[@Name]" ) | %{ Set-Variable -Name ( $_ .Name) -Value $Form .FindName( $_ .Name)} $Run .add_Click({ }) # Display UI object $Form .ShowDialog() | out-null |
Copying XAML Code
After creating the interface in Visual Studio Community, the section between Title= and </Windows> should be copied from Visual Studio Community .

To the PowerShell template

Naming the XAML Code
It’s essential to add a Name= before each button/text that you want to control in your PowerShell code. Visual Studio Community might add x:Name= instead of Name=. In such cases, the x: should be removed to have only Name.

Button Action
The template button is named RUN (Name=Run), and actions based on the button’s name can be added.
1 2 3 | $Run.add_Click({ #Action lorsque je click sur le bouton RUN }) |
Examples of Use
Multiple Selection in ListBox
Add option : SelectionMode=Extended
1 | <ListBox HorizontalAlignment= "Left" Name= "User" Height= "136" Margin= "10,34,0,0" VerticalAlignment= "Top" Width= "466" SelectionMode= "Extended" /> |
Get Current path
1 | $currentpathXAML = $PSScriptRoot |
Displaying a Window in the Foreground
To display a PowerShell XAML in the foreground, simply add…
1 2 3 | # Display UI object $Form .TopMost = $true $Form .ShowDialog() | out-null |
Very useful for displaying a notification popup.
ComboBox change value
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 | [void][System.Reflection.Assembly] ::LoadWithPartialName( 'presentationframework' ) [xml] $XAML = @' <Window xmlns="" Title="titre" Height="573.975" Width="668.135"> <Grid> <ComboBox Name="Combo1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="453" Margin="40,99,0,0"/> </Grid> </Window> '@ #Read XAML $reader =( New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xaml ) try{ $Form = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader] ::Load( $reader )} catch{ Write-Host "Unable to load Windows.Markup.XamlReader. Some possible causes for this problem include: .NET Framework is missing PowerShell must be launched with PowerShell -sta, invalid XAML code was encountered." ; exit} #=========================================================================== # Store Form Objects In PowerShell #=========================================================================== $xaml .SelectNodes( "//*[@Name]" ) | %{ Set-Variable -Name ( $_ .Name) -Value $Form .FindName( $_ .Name)} $Combo1 .Items.add( "toto" ) | out-null $Combo1 .Items.add( "tata" ) | out-null $Combo1 .Items.add( "titi" ) | out-null $Combo1 .add_SelectionChanged({ param ( $sender , $args ) write-host $( $sender .SelectedValue) }) # Display UI object $Form .ShowDialog() | out-null |
CheckBox change value
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | ####### Event CheckBox ################### $StoreR .Add_Checked({ Write-host "Add_Checked" }) $StoreR .Add_UnChecked({ Write-host "Add_UnChecked" }) $StoreR .Add_Indeterminate({ Write-host "Add_Indeterminate" }) |
When using this code on a combobox
1 2 3 | $Combobox1 .Add_SelectionChanged({ write-host $Combobox1 .Text }) |
You get the previous value, so you need to use
1 2 3 | $Combobox1 .Add_SelectionChanged({ write-host $Combobox1 .SelectedItem }) |