Launching License Management
To launch the LANDESK license management tool, log in to the LANDESK console.
- From the Tools menu, navigate to Reports/Monitoring and select Software License Management.
- The web browser will open.
Application Control
Searching for an Application
- In “Products”, select “All Installed Products”. You can search for a specific product.
- Applications marked “Unlicensed” are either not declared or missing licenses.
Adding a License
You can identify the number of application uses (for the purpose of uninstalling unused applications).
- To control the applications, move them to the monitored applications.
- Then, in the monitored applications section,
- You can add a new license.
- Specify at least the number of licenses for this product.
Automatic Uninstallation of Applications
- You can automatically uninstall a licensed application if the user has not launched it for x days (the number of days is configurable).
- An uninstallation task will be requested to automatically uninstall the application.
Normalize a Manufacturer (Editor)
- In the manager, you can normalize an editor (Manufacturers). To do this, in Administration, select the “Manufacturers” tab.
- Then drag the editors into an existing group.