I don’t use Ivanti’s LANDESK HII but a custom script:
Here is an example of the script. Unzip it into a shared directory (preferred server).

You will need to modify the HII.bat file to:
- Add your workstation models
- Add your operating systems if needed
- Change the path
You need to modify the provisioning task to use this batch file.
- Map a network drive (Map preferred server). The drive letter used is important; you must use the one mentioned in the HII.bat file.
Note: Use the same drive letter as the one used in the batch file.

- Run the HII.bat file

- Then run c:\drivers\install.bat (be sure to uncheck the task stop option)
This task allows you to run the install.bat specific to a particular workstation model. If you need to install a driver in setup.exe format on a specific model, create an install.bat in that model’s directory. Since this folder will be located in c:\drivers, the install.bat can run the c:\drivers\xxx\setup.exe /s command.