Printer driver management and user-based printer management

Printer driver installation

The printer driver installation will occur in 2 steps

  • Adding the drivers to Windows
:: Commande dos
:: Installing printers Drivers in Windows
pnputil /add-driver "c:\Drivers\Printers\*.inf" /subdirs /install
  • Adding drivers to the spooler
# Powershell command to inject drivers into the spooler.
Add-PrinterDriver -Name "KONICA MINOLTA 4020_3320 PCL6"
Add-PrinterDriver -Name "KONICA MINOLTA 4700PSeries PCL6"
Add-PrinterDriver -Name "KONICA MINOLTA 20 Printer"

Driver management by a user

Once the drivers are in the spooler, the user can install their printers themselves (adding ports and selecting available drivers from the spooler).

Exemple with SNMP detect

# script powershell

# Find printer model
$printer1 = "adresseIP ou NomDNS de l'imprimante"
$SNMP = New-Object -ComObject olePrn.OleSNMP
$Model1 = $SNMP.GetTree('.')

# Suppress printer if exist
Get-Printer | Where name -eq 'PRT01' | Remove-Printer
# Suppress LPR port if exist
Get-PrinterPort | Where name -eq 'prt01' | Remove-PrinterPort

if ($Model1 -match "KONICA MINOLTA bizhub 3320") {
     # Create LPR port
     Add-PrinterPort -Name 'prt01' -PrinterHostAddress $Printer1

     # Create printer
     add-printer -name "PRT01" -drivername "KONICA MINOLTA 4020_3320 PCL6" -port "prt01"

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