
Pnpunattend.exe is more reliable and faster than pnputil.

Registry Key Creation

Specify the path where the registry keys are located

$CheminDrivers = "C:\Drivers"
New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\UnattendSettings\PnPUnattend\DriverPaths" -Name 1 -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\UnattendSettings\PnPUnattend\DriverPaths" -Name Path -Value $CheminDrivers -Force

Pnpunattend in Windows 10:

PnPnpunattend is native to Windows 10, so no installation is required.

Driver Audit:

If you only want to view the drivers to be installed without actually installing them, use the argument /s

pnpunattend.exe auditsystem /s /l

Driver Installation:

pnpunattend.exe auditsystem /l


Dpinst is no longer supported with Windows 10. The official tool is pnputil. Here are some command examples for pnputil.

c:\windows\system32\pnputil.exe /add-driver c:\drivers\*.inf /subdirs /install
pnputil /add-driver x:\driver.inf       <- Ajouter le package de pilotes
pnputil /add-driver c:\oem\*.inf        <- Ajouter plusieurs packages de pilotes
pnputil /add-driver device.inf /install <- Ajouter et installer le package de pilotes
pnputil /enum-drivers                   <- Énumérer les packages de pilotes OEM
pnputil /delete-driver oem0.inf         <- Supprimer le package de pilotes
pnputil /delete-driver oem1.inf /force  <- Forcer la suppression du package de pilotes
pnputil /export-driver oem6.inf .       <- Exporter le package de pilotes
pnputil /export-driver * c:\backup      <- Exporter tous les packages de pilotes


DPinst allows for the installation of drivers via command line (before Windows 10).

Dpinst is available with Microsoft’s « Windows Drivers Kit » and can also be found in certain drivers.

If you are creating master images under Windows 8.1, some of the drivers do not work in PnP mode (due to drivers not certified for Windows 8.1). This tool will allow you to force the installation of these drivers.

To install a driver

dpinst.exe /path "c:\drivers\Win8_1" /q /se

Note: The tool is not recursive (subfolders are not taken into account)

Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Shell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

Const S_DP = "c:\pnpdrivers"


Sub CopyInf(dossier)
        Set fs=fso.GetFolder(dossier)
        'traitement des fichiers
    Trouve = 0
        Set collfiles = fs.Files
        For Each File In collfiles
            If Right(UCase(,3) = "INF" And UCase( &lt;&gt; "AUTORUN.INF" Then
        Trouve = 1
    End If
        Next 'File
    If Trouve = 1 Then
      wscript.Echo dossier
      If FSO.FolderExists("C:\Windows\SysWOW64") Then
        CodeRetour = & GetPath & "x64\dpinst.exe" & chr(34) & " /path " & chr(34) & dossier & chr(34) & " /q /se",,True)
        CodeRetour = & GetPath & "x86\dpinst.exe" & chr(34) & " /path " &chr(34) & dossier & chr(34) & " /q /se",,True)
      End If
    End If

        'traitement des sous dossier
        Set collfolders = fs.SubFolders
        For each folder in collfolders
      curfolder = dossier &amp; "\" &amp;
      call CopyInf(curfolder)
End Sub

Function GetPath()
   Dim path
  path = WScript.ScriptFullName
  GetPath = Left(path, InStrRev(path, "\"))
End Function

The script allows scanning of subfolders and launching dpinst for each folder containing inf files.

Caution, you will need to change the driver path in the script.

Adding Drivers to a WIM

Ajouter des drivers en mode offline dans une WIM

  • You can list available images in a WIM
dism /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:c:\fichier.wim

Disable your antivirus to prevent blocking the WIM during dismounting

  • Mount Wim

The /Name option can be replaced by the /Index option

Dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:c:\fichier.wim /Name:"Windows Offline Image" /MountDir:c:\mount
  • Add Drivers
Dism /Image:c:\mount /Add-Driver /Driver:c:\Drivers /Recurse
  • Saving the image
Dism /Unmount-Image/MountDir:c:\mount /Commit

Adding Drivers from WinPE

One solution is to use the DISM tool in the WinPE environment to force the installation of drivers in Windows. Here is the command line:

dism /image:c:\ /Add-driver /driver:\\Serveur\Chemin /recurse /forceunsigned

C:\ => Partition containing the Windows folder

Adding Unsigned Drivers with PnpUtil:

I finally found a simple solution to force unsigned drivers with pnputil.

  • In the drivers, it’s the CAB file that interests us. When you right-click on this file
  • In the ‘Digital Signature’ tab, click on ‘Details’.
  • Then, in the new window under the ‘General’ tab, click on ‘View Certificate’.
  • In the next window, under the ‘Details’ tab, click on ‘Copy to File’.
  • Save the certificate in a .cer file.

The command is then quite straightforward. »

Certutil -addstore TrustedPublisher signature.cer
c:\windows\system32\pnputil.exe /add-driver "%~dp0TH230\*.inf" /subdirs /install

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