With BiosConfigUtility

HP provides a tool to configure the BIOS from the Windows environment. It’s ideal for configuring the BIOS using a remote distribution tool (LANDESK, SCCM, etc.)

The tool is available at : HP

To retrieve the BIOS configuration, simply type the command:

  • BiosConfigUtility.exe /GET: »C:\temp\ConfigurationBIOS.log »

And to set a value, use this command:

  • BiosConfigUtility.exe /setvalue: »LAN/WLAN Switching », »Enable »


BiosConfigUtility.exe /setvalue:"LAN/WLAN Switching","Enable"
BiosConfigUtility.exe /setvalue:"LAN/WLAN Switching","Enabled"
BiosConfigUtility.exe /setvalue:"LAN / WLAN Auto Switching","Enable"
BiosConfigUtility.exe /setvalue:"LAN / WLAN Auto Switching","Enabled"

In Powershell

In Powershell, the BIOS configuration commands for HP are native, no need to install an additional tool.

  • To identify the BIOS settings
$BiosSetup = Get-WmiObject -class hp_biossettinginterface -Namespace root\hp\instrumentedbios
$BiosInfo = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/hp/instrumentedBIOS -Class hp_biosEnumeration

foreach ($Conf in $BiosInfo) {
  $Param  = $conf.Name
  $Valeur = $Conf.Value
  write-host "$Param => $Valeur"
  • To modify the BIOS settings:
$BiosInfo = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/hp/instrumentedBIOS -Class hp_biosEnumeration
$BiosSetup = Get-WmiObject -class hp_biossettinginterface -Namespace root\hp\instrumentedbios

foreach ($Conf in $BiosInfo) {
  $Param = $conf.Name
  If ($Param -eq 'Fast Boot')         {$BiosSetup.SetBIOSSetting('Fast Boot','Disable')}
  If ($Param -eq 'AMT')             {$BiosSetup.SetBIOSSetting('AMT','Disable')}
  If ($Param -eq 'Active Management (AMT)')   {$BiosSetup.SetBIOSSetting('Active Management (AMT)','Disable')}

  # en cas d'erreur sur des poste sous Windows 7 ajouter un troisième paramétrage vide
    If ($Param -eq 'AMT')             {$BiosSetup.SetBIOSSetting('AMT','Disable','')}

  • Example to enable virtualization:
$BiosInfo = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/hp/instrumentedBIOS -Class hp_biosEnumeration
$BiosSetup = Get-WmiObject -class hp_biossettinginterface -Namespace root\hp\instrumentedbios
foreach ($Conf in $BiosInfo) {
  $Param  = $conf.Name
  $Valeur = $Conf.Value

  If ($Param -eq 'Virtualization Technology (VTx)') {
    Write-host $Param  $Valeur
    $BiosSetup.SetBIOSSetting('Virtualization Technology (VTx)','Enable')
  If ($Param -eq 'Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VTd)')   {
    Write-host $Param  $Valeur
    $BiosSetup.SetBIOSSetting('Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VTd)','Enable')
Catégories : BIOS

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