You can patch your WIM images using DISM.

  • Backup Your WIM File:

Always ensure you work on a copy of the original WIM to prevent any potential data loss.

Preparing the Mount Folder:

Create a dedicated folder named ‘Mount’ at the root of your C: drive. This will serve as the mounting point for the WIM image.

Execute the DISM Commands

Use the following commands to integrate the MSU into the WIM image

Set patchWIM=C:\Users\David\Downloads\windows10.0-kb4016635-x64_2b1b48aa6ec51c019187f15059b768b1638a21ab.msu

Md c:\mount
dism /mount-image /imagefile:"%patchISO%\sources\install.wim" /index:1 /mountdir:c:\Mount
Dism /Image:C:\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%patchWIM%"
dism /unmount-image /mountdir:c:\mount /commit

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