Normal Installation
To install an external PowerShell module (for example, SQLServer):
1 | Install-Module -Name SqlServer |
Manual Installation
How to get the location to copy a PowerShell module?
1 | $env:PSModulePath |

- To copy a PowerShell module, follow these steps (administrator right):
- Go to the PowerShell Gallery at and download the .nupkg file.
- Extract the contents of the downloaded .nupkg file using 7-Zip or a similar tool.
- After extraction, rename the folder “sqlserver.21.1.18256” to “sqlserver”.
- Copy the “sqlserver” folder to the following directory: “C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules”. If the “Modules” folder does not exist, create it before copying.
Use the powershell module
To use the module, type the command:
1 | import-module SqlServer |
After installing the module, you can use it, for example:
1 | Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Instance -Database $Bdd -Username $CompteSQL -Password $PassSQL -InputFile $FileSQL |