Deployment Scenarios

USMT can be used in various deployment scenarios:

New Computer (Bare Metal)

This is the easiest scenario as no data needs to be saved from the old system. Simply boot from a USB or PXE and install the new OS (e.g., Windows 7).


This involves reinstalling the OS to a higher version, such as upgrading from Windows XP to Windows 7. Save the user data using USMT to a network location, then restore it after the OS installation.


Reinstall the same OS version, often used when a user encounters issues. Save the user data using USMT to a network location, then restore it after the OS installation.


This is the most complex scenario, involving saving data from the old system and restoring it to a new system. You’ll need to associate the old and new systems to manage this migration effectively.

Supported Migrations

USMT supports various migrations based on the version:

  • USMT 4.0 (Windows AIK): Supports migrating from Windows XP to Windows 7. Include Office 2013 as per this guide.
  • USMT 5.0 (Windows ADK 8.0): ScanState.exe and LoadState.exe version 6.2.
  • USMT 5.0 (Windows ADK 8.1): ScanState.exe and LoadState.exe version 6.3. (Not available for download anymore)
  • USMT 5.0 (Windows ADK 8.1 update): Includes patches for ScanState.exe, LoadState.exe, and UsmtUtils.exe version 6.3.

Download links:

Modifying MigUser.xml

USMT saves files with known extensions across all drives by default. To configure this, modify the MigUser.xml file.

Saving Additional Files

Add additional extensions to save:

<script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns("*[*.pdf]", "Fixed")</script>
<script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns("*[*.jpg]", "Fixed")</script>
<script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns("*[*.png]", "Fixed")</script>

Changing Restore Location

To restore files to a specific location, modify the MigUser.xml file:

<locationModify script="MigXmlHelper.Move('%SYSTEMDRIVE%\AncienPC')"></locationModify>

Disabling USMT Options

Generate a configuration file to disable certain components:

<USMTPath>\Amd64\Scanstate.exe /genconfig:MyConfig.xml /i:<USMTPath>\Amd64\migapp.xml /i:<USMTPath>\Amd64\miguser.xml

In MyConfig.xml, set migrate="no" for components to disable.

Example Command Line

Use the following commands to back up and restore data:

Saving Data

scanstate.exe "savepath" /v:13 /c /o /ue:Administrator /localonly /i:<USMTPath>\Amd64\MigApp.xml /i:<USMTPath>\Amd64\MigUser.xml /config:<USMTPath>\Amd64\config.xml /l:"logpath.log"

Restoring Data

loadstate.exe "savepath" /v:13 /c /lac /i:<USMTPath>\Amd64\MigApp.xml /i:<USMTPath>\Amd64\MigUser.xml /l:"logpath.log"

Saving Data from D: Drive

To back up the D: drive and restore it, modify MigUser.xml:

Keeping D: Partition

<component type="Documents" context="System">
    <displayName>Component to migrate all D: drive</displayName>
    <role role="Data">
                    <pattern type="File">D:\*[ * ]</pattern>

Not Keeping D: Partition

<component type="Documents" context="System">
    <displayName>Component to migrate all D: drive</displayName>
    <role role="Data">
                    <pattern type="File">D:\*[ * ]</pattern>
            <locationModify script="MigXmlHelper.Move('%SYSTEMDRIVE%\AncienD')">
                    <pattern type="File">D:\*[ * ]</pattern>

Choosing the Right USMT Version

Use USMT from Windows ADK 8.0 for migrating from Windows XP to Windows 7, and Windows 7 to Windows 7. Use USMT from Windows ADK 8.1 for migrating from Windows 7 to Windows 8.1, and Windows 8.1 to Windows 8.1.

Download USMT from:


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