How to Create a View

  • Navigate to Assets and select Views.
  • Click on Create a New View.
  • Add columns to your custom view.
  • Click Submit to save your view.

How to Create a Report

  • Under Data, select Reports.
  • Click Create Report.
  • Select the columns you want to include.
  • Click Save Report, enter a name for your report, and save.

How to Create a Dashboard

  • Under Data, select Dashboards.
  • Enter the dashboard name and click Create.
  • Click Add to add a new panel.
  • Select the report, column, and graph type.
  • Enter the panel name and click Done.

How to Export a Dashboard to an S3 Bucket

  • From the Connect menu, select Connections.
  • Click Create Connection.
  • Enter a name for the connection.
  • Select “Tanium Reporting (Reports and Dashboards)” as the source.
  • Select the dashboard name you wish to export.
  • Input AWS S3 details and enter the filename with extension.
  • Optionally, schedule this export.

How to Export Source Data to an S3 Bucket

  • From the Connect menu, select Connections.
  • Click Create Connection.
  • Enter a name for the connection.
  • Select “Tanium Reporting (source data)” as the source.
  • Select the report and specify the output format (e.g., CSV).
  • Enter AWS S3 details and the filename with extension.
  • Optionally, add a schedule for this export.


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