How to create a custom patch list and deploy it with Tanium?

Creating a Patch List

A patch list in Tanium is a curated collection of software updates critical for the security and performance of your systems. Here’s how you can create one:

  • Navigate to Patch Management: Locate Patch Management in the menu.
  • Create New Patch List: Click the ‘Create Patch List’ button.
  • Define Patch Criteria: Use filters to specify which patches to include based on criteria such as criticality and age (<35 days, for example).

For example

  • Then click ‘Show Preview’ to continue.
  • You can view the patches affected by these criteria.

Deploy Your Custom Patch List

  • Select your custom patch list and click ‘Install’.
  • Select your endpoints.
  • Configure the scheduler.
  • Click on “Choose Endpoint to Target” and click “Preview to continue”


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