Issue with deleting a EPM task

This guide details how to resolve issues with tasks linked to non-existent packages using SQL Management Suite. It includes steps for identifying task IDs, validating queries, updating the database, and deleting tasks through the LANDESK console. A database backup and contacting support are mandatory.

Console Deployment IVANTI EPM

This article provides a detailed guide on installing the LANDESK console using command lines. It covers the use of 7zip for compressing and decompressing installation files and includes examples of batch scripts to automate the installation and cleanup processes.

Rebuild WinPE Images With IVANTI EPM

Initially, backup or rename the WinPE images located under the LANDesk directory in Program Files. Optionally, these images can be replaced, though it’s not advised. Then, transfer clean images from the clean sub-folder to the main vboot directory. Execute OSD.Upgrade.exe as administrator to finalize the WinPE setup by adding necessary drivers and customizations, as outlined in Ivanti EPM documentation.

Application License Management

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for managing software licenses using the LANDESK console. It covers launching the license management tool, searching for applications, adding licenses, setting up automatic uninstallation of unused applications, and normalizing manufacturers.

Script to Remove Old Tasks

This PowerShell script is designed to remove old tasks from a LANDesk environment. Modify the specified lines with your database instance, credentials, and other details. The script connects to the database, retrieves tasks, and deletes those older than a specified retention period.

Application Deployment With IVANTI EPM

his guide details configuring and deploying software packages in an enterprise environment using LANDESK Management Suite. It covers initial setup, batch scripting for silent installations, package configuration, and deployment strategies, emphasizing automation and network efficiency.

Deployment of Windows 10

This article provides a detailed guide on deploying Windows 10 using LANDESK, including copying sources, managing unattend.xml, creating provisioning tasks, handling public variables, and managing patches. It includes specific steps, code examples, and helpful images to ensure a smooth and efficient deployment process.

Managing WinPE

This article details the process of modifying WinPE using scripts. It covers backing up the WIM file, editing necessary files, adding drivers, creating ISOs, and configuring PXE and vboot options. Instructions for installing the Windows ADK, handling additional drivers, and setting up preferred servers are also included.

Backup of Critical Files

This guide explains how to backup and restore critical files using the CoreDataMigration tool. It covers the steps to schedule backups, lists the elements backed up, and provides a reminder that the database is not included in the backup.

Core Server Installation

This article provides a comprehensive guide to installing and configuring the Core Server for EPM. It includes steps for database creation, setting up service accounts, configuring the scheduler, managing certificates, and configuring COM+ objects. It also covers patch management and activation procedures.

Force Inventory via Command Line

This article provides command line instructions to force an inventory scan on specific or default core servers using LANDESK. It includes commands for syncing inventory and enforcing policy updates, ensuring efficient and automated IT management and inventory processes.

Task Deletion Issue

This article addresses a task deletion issue in LANDESK caused by an associated package that no longer exists. It provides steps to identify the problematic task ID, modify the database to replace the missing package with an existing one, and delete the task from the LANDESK console. A database backup and support consultation are mandatory before making changes.

ERROR Query Unavailable

This article addresses the “ERROR Query Unavailable” issue in LANDESK. It suggests verifying a recent Data Analytics update in Add/Remove Programs and provides a resolution by running CoreDbUtil.exe with the enutranslations.xml file and selecting “Build Components.” Validate the procedure with support before applying.

Error 4100 in the Event Log

This article addresses Error 4100 in the event log, which occurs due to a NULL value insertion into the SEQKEY column in the MANUFACTURER table. It provides a step-by-step guide to resolve the issue by editing the Datamart.xml file, increasing column size, and restarting the inventory service in LANDESK.

Managing End Reboot

This article describes a workaround for performing a final reboot after a deployment in LANDESK. By running shutdown.exe with a timeout via a batch file, the provisioning task can complete properly before the restart, ensuring a smooth and automated deployment process.

Using PowerShell in a Provisioning Task

This article explains how to use PowerShell commands in a LANDESK provisioning task by leveraging sysnative. It details disabling PowerShell security and running scripts, providing step-by-step instructions and examples for setting execution policies and executing PowerShell files efficiently in a provisioning environment.

hii.cmd Alternative to Ivanti HII

This article describes using a custom script, HII.bat, as an alternative to Ivanti’s HII for provisioning tasks. It provides instructions for modifying the script and setting up a provisioning task to install drivers, including mapping a network drive and running specific batch files for different workstation models.

Patch deployment with IVANTI EPM

This document outlines the process of setting up LANDesk Security Suite for security patch management. It details steps for updating with security bulletins, creating organizational groups and scopes for patch deployment, and establishing rollout projects to systematically deploy patches.