Windows 11 OEM Activation

Delve into the intricacies of automating Windows 11 OEM activation using scripts. The article provides insights into how manufacturers embed the Windows serial number in the BIOS and offers detailed steps and scripts for activating Windows across various versions, including Windows 7, 10, and 11.

Installing Software with WinGET

Dive into the capabilities of Windows 11’s new command-line tool, WinGET, for seamless application installation. This guide covers the basics of using WinGET, from searching for applications to updating them, and introduces WinGetUI for those who prefer a graphical interface, integrating both Chocolatey and Winget.

Central Store and ADMX Update

Dive into the process of creating a central store to add supplementary ADMX files for GPO creation, ensuring accessibility for all administrators. This guide covers the steps to set up the central store in the SYSVOL directory, integrate third-party ADMX files, and update ADMX for Windows 11, all while ensuring seamless integration with the GPMC console.