Windows 11 OEM Activation

Delve into the intricacies of automating Windows 11 OEM activation using scripts. The article provides insights into how manufacturers embed the Windows serial number in the BIOS and offers detailed steps and scripts for activating Windows across various versions, including Windows 7, 10, and 11.

Installing Software with WinGET

Dive into the capabilities of Windows 11’s new command-line tool, WinGET, for seamless application installation. This guide covers the basics of using WinGET, from searching for applications to updating them, and introduces WinGetUI for those who prefer a graphical interface, integrating both Chocolatey and Winget.

Printer Driver Management and Configuration

Dive into the comprehensive guide on printer driver management and user-based printer configurations. The article provides detailed steps on installing printer drivers in Windows, adding them to the spooler, and allowing users to set up their printers using available drivers. It also showcases an example with SNMP detection for printer configurations.

Using Powercfg in Windows

A comprehensive guide on managing power configurations using the powercfg command in Windows. Learn how to modify active power plans, switch between power modes, configure advanced settings, and manage USB power settings for both power and battery management.