Deploy application with Tanium

Learn how to deploy a multi-file application using Tanium by organizing necessary files into a zip archive, creating a new software package, configuring deployment settings, and executing installation commands with PowerShell. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for seamless deployment.

How to Retrieve Your KMS Host

This blog post guides IT administrators on how to retrieve and verify the Key Management Service (KMS) host name using PowerShell. It covers how to perform a ping test and check port connectivity to ensure the KMS host is properly communicating within the network.

Windows update avec PSWindowsupdate

Explore the process of managing Windows updates using the PSWindowsUpdate PowerShell module. The article provides detailed instructions on installing the module, both manually and using standard methods, and offers insights into its utilization for checking update settings, installing patches, and viewing update history.

Windows 11 OEM Activation

Delve into the intricacies of automating Windows 11 OEM activation using scripts. The article provides insights into how manufacturers embed the Windows serial number in the BIOS and offers detailed steps and scripts for activating Windows across various versions, including Windows 7, 10, and 11.

Using PowerShell in a Provisioning Task

This article explains how to use PowerShell commands in a LANDESK provisioning task by leveraging sysnative. It details disabling PowerShell security and running scripts, providing step-by-step instructions and examples for setting execution policies and executing PowerShell files efficiently in a provisioning environment.

hii.ps1 Alternative to Ivanti HII

This article explains using a custom PowerShell script (HII.ps1) as an alternative to Ivanti HII for driver management. It details converting the script to an EXE using PS2EXE for use in WinPE, enabling efficient provisioning and automation of driver installations.